Daily Libra Horoscope November 21 (21/11)
Sep 23 − Oct 22
Alias: Alias: The Scales
November 21
daily libra horoscope:
daily libra horoscope:
Star 8/10
All too often we regret what we didnt do and regretting what we did do isnt healthy, either. Where you might be nurturing a regret now, consider what change you managed to bring by taking action you did. Even if you feel it resulted in a backward step, dont rule out or ignore what you did progress or make happen. It might not appear significant or helpful now but if you give a situation a chance to settle, then youll see something to be deservedly proud of.
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We have many rules and regulations were expected to abide by in life. Some of these make sense and we understand why we and others should adhere to them. Others make no sense whatsoever and we often have a valid reason to question what was going through the head of whoever made them. Where a certain rule in your world is concerned, youre right to question its validity. Perhaps, it made sense in the past but really is no longer appropriate now.
Read more...Star 10/10
This week, it appears something is about to make sense that hasnt made sense recently. A way forward is about to present itself thanks to Mercurys link with Jupiter in your sign. It might appear as a Eureka Moment but, in truth, what youre likely to experience will be the result of trying and failing in the past. Enough apparent failures might have understandably caused you to forget trying further. This week, expect to be impressed with what you finally make happen.
Read more...Star 7/10
This month, the sky speaks of a Eureka Moment that awaits you. During coming weeks, something will click or suddenly make sense in ways it hasnt of late. Most Eureka Moments arrive out of the blue and often at irrelevant times but not this one. You have likely been focused intently on what has puzzled you or had to watch from a distance to try and piece together a situation or scenario with limited information. Expect soon to have all the information you need.
Read more...Star 8/10
You want what you want and you want it now! Today you may experience that quality of yours commonly known as "impatience." The urgency with which you experience certain feelings may overwhelm those around you this week. Try to focus on understanding what you want and putting it into words that let people know how they can help you most. That overpowering celestial energy can be mitigated by language. Another tip: work out your frustration at the gym or on the bike path!
Read more...Star 9/10
You feel the planetary alignment today as a positive aspect, supporting those who are willing to turn their good intentions into action. The power of this transit is in experiencing the benefit of exercise and a healthy diet in your emotional life. Begin with today. Concentrate on making your diet a mirror reflection of what you feel is right: heavy on the vegetables, low on the sweets, look for protein in legumes and lay off on the saturated fat!
Read more...Star 7/10
You want to look your best. A healthy glow is one of the most attractive things about a body. You know that. Youre eager to drop any excess weight and achieve a wonderful, toned appearance. It helps to put in the effort to get your diet right. It will take time, but its well worth it.
Read more...Star 10/10
Jupiters ongoing presence in your sign suggests optimism and renewed vitality, which can be positive no matter what health issues you may have. And Neptune is still a potent factor regarding your overall well-being. This is the time to learn to shape your thinking so that it reflects the idea of being as well and happy as possible. When it comes to exercise, you may find swimming or dancing to be an activity that you really enjoy. You need something that allows you to flow and be spontaneous, and both of these can do that.
Read more...Star 7/10
Youll have an urge to make changes in your attitude toward one particular relationship. There may not be anything wrong with it, and yet you sense you have not tapped all the potential, and there are many more things that you could profitably explore together. This is a great time to try out some new things and strengthen the bond between you.
Read more...Star 10/10
Experimentation at all levels is todays watchword. There is no way that you or your sweetheart could possibly spend the day in any other way than trying out all kinds of new things. Eat different food, wear different clothes, talk to each other in new ways. Routines can be like straitjackets, and hobble any spontaneity, especially in your love life. Just for once be a little crazy!
Read more...Star 9/10
You have a lot to offer, and your social calendar should be full, so why no plans, or at least nothing that youre looking forward to? Relax. Youre just in a rut, and things should pick up soon. You really love chatting up new people over the weekend, and you might meet a new love interest at a crowded party, wedding, or work event. You could go there solo, but the odds are good that you wont leave alone!
Read more...Star 7/10
Venus enters serious-minded Capricorn on November 11, and you exhibit a cool approach to love. If you care about matters of the heart, speak up. People cant read your emotions through your somber exterior. Ethereal Neptune leaves its retrograde cycle on November 19 and your vision gets blurry. Its not that you have blinders on, but you dont have the ability to gloss over details that have been keeping you from moving forward with a new relationship. A Jupiter/Pluto square on November 24 has you second-guessing some of your love-related choices, but regret is worthless. Learn from past mistakes and move on.
Read more...Star 9/10
The answer you are waiting for will come sooner than you think. In the meantime, try not to get impatient. Whether you realize it or not, your mental stress is having a negative effect on the people around you. Do your best to relax and not worry.
Read more...Star 8/10
You are getting support for your ideas from the people around you. Even if these people are not those you work with, their input is worth listening to. They have an outside perspective that you can benefit from a great deal. Trust others.
Read more...Star 9/10
This isnt the time to make a realistic assessment of your situation. Get as much done as possible early in the day. There can be unexpected delays and roadblocks as time goes on. Take a deep breath and keep your sense of humor. This period can bring important contacts. The energy will help your organization present its product or service. You may be standing on the sidelines of a boss or worker meltdown.
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You could receive a bonus or impressive job perk at the start of November. Being rewarded for your performance gives you renewed confidence. If youre looking for work, explore opportunities that pay a commission. Your wit and charm will make you one of the most successful individuals in the organization and your paycheck will reflect this. Toward the end of the month, youll have to deal with a colleague who says one thing and does another. Keep a record of all your communications. If your boss wants to know the source of confusion, youll be able to demonstrate it.
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